
- A complete list of over 300 Publications (with Open-access links to nearly 200 items)

- A Compilation of my publication Abstracts

- A list of Publications by or with Students under my supervision


Selection of My More Recent Publications

Recent Books:

(ed. with Richard Wenghofer) Seleukid Ideology: Creation, Reception, and Response, Seleukid Perspectives, vol. 1, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023. 390 pp.

(ed.) Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods. Colloquia Antiqua 33 (series editor: Gocha Tsetskhladze), Leuven: Peeters, 2022. XX+394 pp.

(ed.) Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral. With the assistance of Joanna Porucznik & Germain Payen, Geographica Historica 43 (series editors: Eckart Olshausen & Vera Sauer), Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2021 (Dec. 2020). 381 pp.

(ed. with David Engels) Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Université libre de Bruxelles, 21–23 Aug. 2015, Collection Latomus 360, Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2019.

(ed. with Alex McAuley) Seleukid Royal Women. Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Historia Einzelschriften 240, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016.

recent ARTICLES:


(together with R. Wenghofer) Introduction: The Dialectics of Seleukid Ideology, ch. 1 in A. Coşkun and R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Perspectives 1), Stuttgart, 13-29.

The First Seleukid Benefactions in Miletos and the Creation of a Dynastic Ideology, in A. Coşkun and R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Perspectives 1), Stuttgart, 93-111.

The Efficacy of Ideological Discourse: Loyalty to the Seleukid Dynasty in Babylonia, Judaea, and Asia Minor, in A. Coşkun and R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Perspectives 1), Stuttgart, 343-366.

Trapezus in Kolchis. Part I: The Origin of the Tabula Peutingeriana under Julius Caesar, in Alexander Podossinov (ed.), The Black Sea Region in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Problems of Historical Geography (The Earliest States of Eastern Europe, 23), Moscow 2023, 377-400.

Von Kios nach Kimiata. Neue Überlegungen zur Chronologie des Mithridates von Kios und des Mithridates Ktistes sowie zur Gründung des Mithradatidenreiches (‘From Kios to Kimiata. New Considerations on the Chronology of Mithradates of Kios and Mithradates Ktistes as well as on the Foundation of the Mithradatic Kingdom), DHA 49.2, 2023, 77-92. Open Access.


The Date and Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480), Philia 8, 2022, 23-40.

A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women, Karanos 5, 2022, 109-124.

Akampsis, Boas, Apsaros, Petra, Sebastopolis: Rivers and Forts on the Southern Littoral of Kolchis, in John Boardman, James Hargrave, Alexandru Avram (+) and Alexandr Podossinov (eds.), Connecting East and West. Studies Presented to Gocha Tsetskhladze, Leuven: Peeters, 2022, vol. 1, 241–260.

A Survey of Recent Research on Ancient Galatia (1993–2019), in A.C. (ed.): Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven: Peeters, 2022, 3-94.

Pessinus, Kleonnaeion and Attalid Administration in Eastern Phrygia in the Aftermath of the Peace of Apameia (188 BC) – Reflections on a Recently-Found Royal Letter from Ballıhisar, in A.C. (ed.): Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven: Peeters, 2022, 213-232.

Pauline Churches in the Galatike chora: A New Plea for the North-Galatian Hypothesis, in A.C. (ed.): Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven: Peeters, 2022, 323-364.

Berenike Phernophoros and Other Virgin Queens in Early-Ptolemaic Egypt’, Klio 104.1, 2022, 191-233. Abstract.

Von Amaseia nach Sinope. Die Expansion des Pontischen Reiches unter Pharnakes I. (‘From Amaseia to Sinope. The Expansion oft he Pontic Kingdom under Pharnakes I’), Ricerche Ellenistici 2, 2021 (2022), 63-81.

The Bosporan Kings in-between the Mithridatic Tradition and Friendship with Rome: the Usurpation of Asandros Revisited, in D. Braund, A. Chaniotis & E. Petropoulos (eds.), The Black Sea Region in the Context of the Roman Empire. International Symposium Dedicated in Memory of Victor I. Sarianidi (Athens 5-8 May 2016), Athens: Committee for Pontic Studies, 2022, 125-147.

The Reception of Seleukid Ideology in 2nd-Century BC Judaea, in Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides & Stefan Pfeiffer (eds.), Culture and Ideology under the Seleucids. Unframing a Dynasty, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 151-166.

Expansion und Dynastische Politik in Pontos: Zwei neue Ären unter Pharnakes I. (‘Expansion and Dynastic Politics in Pontos: Two New Eras under Pharnakes I’), Historia 77.1, 2022, 2-26. (Free download after embargo period of 18 months)

Roman Citizenship in the Context of Empire Building and Cultural Encounters. Published on my website: Political Discourse of Citizenship (9 Jan. 2022). URL:


The Chronology of the Asylia Dossier from Kos Revisited in Light of Some Recent Epigraphic Discoveries, Philia 7, 2021, 29-46. Information on the publisher’s website:

Die geopolitische Bedeutung der Flüsse Tanais und Kalykadnos in den Territorialklauseln des Friedensvertrags von Apameia (Liv. 38,38,4.9) (‘The Geopolitical Significance of the Rivers Tanais and Kalykadnos in the Territorial Clauses of the Peace Treaty of Apameia (Livy 38.38.4, 9)’), Orbis Terrarum 19, 2021, 89-113. See here for sneak-peek.

Die Teilung ‚Armeniens‘ durch Caesar und die Entstehung ‚Kleinarmeniens‘ (‘The Division of “Armenia” by Caesar and the Creation of “Armenia Minor”’), Orbis Terrarum 19, 2021, 65-88. See here for sneak-peek.

The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas, Karanos 4, 2021, 49-58. URL:

Von Mithradates von Kios bis Mithradates V. Euergetes. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Duane Rollers „Empire of the Black Sea“ (‘From Mithradates of Kios to Mithradates V Euergetes. Critical Notes on Duane Roller’s “Empire of the Black Sea”’). In: Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumswissenschaft (FeRA) 44, 2021, 1–36. URL:

I Galati in Asia Minore nel III secolo a.C. (‘The Galatians in Asia Minor during the 3rd-Century BC’). Translated into Italian by A. Barzanò, in Cinzia Bearzot, Franca Landucci & Giuseppe Zecchini (eds.): I Celti e il Mediterraneo, Milan: Vita e Pensiero, Università, 2021, 137-166.

Seleucid Throne Wars. Resilience and Disintegration of the Greatest Successor Kingdom from Demetrius I to Antiochus VII, in Andrea Berlin & Paul J. Kosmin (eds.): The Middle Maccabees from the Death of Judas through the Reign of John Hyrcanus (161–104 BC). New Archaeological and Historical Perspectives, Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2021, 269-291. Free download.

John Hyrkanos I, Antiochos VII and the Siege of Jerusalem (135–134 BC), in Christophe Feyel & Laetitia Graslin-Thomé (eds.): Les derniers Séleucides et leur territoire. Actes du colloque international organisé les 20-22 novembre 2019, Nancy 2021, 185-230.

(with Gaius Stern): Dynamis in Rome? Revisiting the South Frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 199-230.

Deiotaros Philorhomaios, Pontos und Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 233-263 (with map 2).

Pompeius und die ,elf Städte‘ der Provinz Pontus (‘Pompey and the “Eleven Cities” of the Province Pontus’). In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 265-285 (with map 3).

Searching for the Sanctuary of Leukothea in Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021, 287-318 (with map 4).


Was Pednelissos a “Galatian Polis”? A Note on SEG II 710 and the Debate on the Location of Paul’s Galatians. In: Philia 6, 2020, 62-73. Abstract:

Über den Hintergrund der Verbreitung des Kybele-Kultes im Westen der Mittelmeerwelt: Neuere Forschungen zum phrygisch-hellenistischen Pessinus. In: Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia (ACSS) 26.2, 2020, 296-309.

Searching for the Sanctuary of Leukothea in Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021 (Dec. 2020), 287-318 (with map 4).

Pompeius und die ,elf Städte‘ der Provinz Pontus. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021 (Dec. 2020), 265-285 (with map 3).

Deiotaros Philorhomaios, Pontos und Kolchis. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021 (Dec. 2020), 233-263 (with map 2).

(with Gaius Stern): Dynamis in Rome? Revisiting the South Frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae. In: Altay Coşkun (ed.), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, Stuttgart 2021 (Dec. 2020), 199-230.

The Course of Pharnakes II’s Pontic and Bosporan Campaigns in 48/47 BC. In: Phoenix 73.1-2, 2019 (Nov. 2020), 86-113.

(Re-) Locating Greek & Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part II: Following Arrian’s Periplous from Phasis to Sebastopolis. In: Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (VDI) 80.3, 2020, 654–674. URL:

(Re-) Locating Greek & Roman Cities along the Northern Coast of Kolchis. Part I: Identifying Dioskourias in the Recess of the Black Sea. In: Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (VDI) 80.2, 2020, 354-376. URL:

Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios. Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. In: Gephyra 19, 2020, 111-133. URL:


Phasian Confusion: Notes on Kolchian, Armenian and Pontic River Names in Myth, History and Geography. In the Journal Phasis 21-22, 2019, 73-118 (with maps on pp. 111a, 111b). URL:

The ‘Temple State’ of Phrygian Pessinus in the Context of Seleucid, Attalid, Galatian and Roman Hegemonial Politics (3rd-1st Centuries BC). In: Gocha R. Tsetskhladze (ed.): Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period. Proceedings of the International Conference ‘The Phrygian Lands over Time (from Prehistory to the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD)’, held at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2nd–8th November, 2015 (Colloquia Antiqua 24), Leuven 2019, 607-648.

The Liberation of Judaea and Early Maccabaean Diplomacy with Rome According to Justin (36.3.9), Diodorus (40.2/4) and Caesar (Jos. Ant. Jud. 14.10.6 [205]). In: Anabasis 9, 2018 (Nov. 2019), 181-203.

Galat Krallıkları / The Galatian Kingdoms. In: Oğuz Tekin (ed.): Hellenistik ve Roma İmparatorluğu dönemlerinde Anadolu – Anatolia in the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods (English, with Turkish translation by İnci Türkoğlu), Istanbul: Yapı Kredi, 146-163.

Pontic Athens – An Athenian Emporion in Its Geo-Historical Context. In: Gephyra 18, 2019, 11-31. Online:

The Chronology of the Desecration of the Temple and the Prophecies of Daniel 7–12 Reconsidered. In: Historia 68.4, 2019, 436-462.

Chersonesos Taurike, Asandros and Rome – A New Interpretation of the Embassy of C. Julius Satyrus to Rome, 46 BC (IOSPE I2 691). In: Alice Bencivenni, Alessandro Cristofori, Federicomaria Muccioli & Carla Salvaterra (eds.), PHILOBIBLOS – Scritti in onore di Giovanni Geraci, Milan 2019, 281-306.

The Date of the Revolt of Asandros and the Relations between the Bosporan Kingdom and Rome under Caesar. In: Margret Nollé, Peter M. Rothenhöfer, Gisela Schmied-Kowarzik, Hertha Schwarz & Hans Christoph von Mosch (Hgg.): Panegyrikoi Logoi. Festschrift für Johannes Nollé zum 65. Geburtstag, Bonn 2019, 125–146.

with David Engels: Introduction. In: Altay Coşkun & David Engels (eds.): Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21–23 Aug. 2015 (Collection Latomus 360), Brussels 2019, 11-23.

Which Seleukid King Was the First to Establish Friendship with the Romans? Reflections on a Fabricated Letter (Suet. Claud. 25.3), amicitia with Antiochos III (200–193 BC) and the Lack thereof with Ilion. In: Altay Coşkun & David Engels (eds.): Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21–23 Aug. 2015 (Collection Latomus 360), Brussels 2019, 27-60.

Triangular Epistolary Diplomacy with Rome from Judas Maccabee to Aristobulos I. In: Altay Coşkun & David Engels (eds.): Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21–23 Aug. 2015 (Collection Latomus 360), Brussels 2019, 355-388.

Epilogue: Rome, the Seleukid East and the Disintegration of the Largest of the Successor Kingdoms in the 2nd Century BC. In: Altay Coşkun & David Engels (eds.): Rome and the Seleukid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21–23 Aug. 2015 (Collection Latomus 360), Brussels 2019, 457-479.


‘Friendship and Alliance’ between the Judaeans and the Romans under Judas Maccabee (1Macc 8.17–32): A Response to Linda Zollschan’s Rome and Judaea (2017), Electrum 25, 2018, 185-225.

The War of Brothers, the Third Syrian War, and the Battle of Ankyra (246-241 BC): a Re-Appraisal. In: Kyle Erickson (ed.): The Seleukid Empire, 281–222 BC. War within the Family, Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2018, 197-252 + 275-308 (bibliography).

Neue Überlegungen zur Chronologie und historischen Einordnung der hasmonäischen Münzprägungen – Zugleich eine verspätete Würdigung der ‚Häresie‘ Ya‘akov Meshorers (‘Revision of the Chronology and Historical Interpretation of Hasmonaean Coinage – Also a Belated Recognition of the “Heresy” of Ya‘akov Meshorer’). In: Revue Belge de Numismatique 164, 2018, 285-321.

Der Ethnarchentitel des Simon (Makkabaios) und die Verleihung der Souveränität durch Antiochos VII. Sidetes (‘The Title Ethnarch of Simon Maccabaeus and the Grant of Sovereignty by Antiochos VII Sidetes’). In: Scripta Classica Israelica 37, 2018, 129-161.

Brogitaros and the Pessinus-Affair. Some Considerations on the Galatian Background of Cicero’s Lampoon against Clodius in 56 BC (Harusp. Resp. 27–29). In: Gephyra 15, 2018, 117-131.